EMR to OMOP Project: Advancing Healthcare Data Standards

Welcome to the EMR to OMOP Project, a transformative initiative led by the Australian Health Research Alliance's (AHRA) Transformational Data Collaboration, directed by Professor Dougie Boyle and Roger Ward.
Project Funding: This project has been made possible through funding from the Australian Research Data Commons. For detailed information on the project and its funding, please visit
ARDC's project page

Current Developments:

At present, three OMOP datasets are under development, all based on the Cerner platform. These datasets originate from leading healthcare providers:
  1. Austin Health in Melbourne (https://doi.org/10.26188/24562789.v2)
  2. Western Health in Melbourne (https://doi.org/10.26188/24597273.v2)
  3. Sydney Local Health District
  4. The University of Queensland and Queensland Health

While the data is not open access, researchers can enquire about access subject to ethics and governance approvals.

Future Expansion: As part of our strategic vision, we plan to expand our efforts to include EPIC EMRs in the future. This expansion aligns with our commitment to broadening the reach of standardized health data and fostering innovation in healthcare research and delivery.
Stay tuned for updates on our progress, milestones, and the growing impact of the EMR to OMOP Project.

Papers and Materials from the Project:

Integrated Data Governance, Digital Health, and the Common Data Model (OMOP-CDM)

DOI: 10.21203/rs.3.rs-3479039/v1

"Fluroquinolones Antibiotics and the Risk of Aortic Aneurysm and Dissection"

Full Tutorial PDF

DOI: 10.26188/24458074.v1

"Implementing OMOP CDM from the EPIC EMR"

DOI: 10.26188/24792447

Citation Guidance:

To ensure proper acknowledgment and citation, all papers and materials citing this work are requested to include references to the following DOIs:

  1. Electronic Medical Records National Data Asset

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.26188/6295c4a5d7c5c

  2. Austin Health OMOP Dataset

    DOI: 10.26188/24562789

  3. Western Health OMOP Dataset

    DOI: 10.26188/24597273



Management Committee of OHDSI Australia

President: Associate Professor Nicole Pratt, The University of South Australia

 Secretary: Jitendra Jonnagaddala, The University of New South Wales   

Treasurer: Roger Ward, The University of Melbourne  

 For enquiries please contact Roger Ward rward@unimelb.edu.au or Nicole Pratt Nicole.Pratt@unisa.edu.au

 Board:  President Professor Nicole Pratt, Roger Ward, Dr. Jitendra Jonnagaddala, Professor Teng Liaw, Professor Dougie Boyle