OHDSI Australia Events
Next Webinar:
Recorded Past Webinars:
Webinar: May 2021,
CaVa: Populating the OMOP oncology extension directly from clinical data
Dr Tim Churches, Georgie Kennedy and Nasreen Kaadan
Webinar: 11 August, 1pm AEST:
long and winding path to data standardization in OMOP"
Van Zandt OHDSI Asia Pacific:
Webinar: 22nd
June 2020, 5pm AEST:
The Transformational Data Collaboration (TDC): Supporting the
uplift of clinical data sets for research in Australia:
Data Quality Assessment tools, Terminology Mappings and adoption
of a Common Data Model
A/Prof Douglas
Boyle and A/Prof Nicole Pratt.
Recording of Webinar here:
AHRA Transformational Data Collaboration and OHDSI Australia Joint Webinar 20th April 2020.
Nigel Hughes
talks about the European
Health Data & Evidence Network: www.ehden.eu
Nigel is a respected speaker and the content is
relevant if you are interested in data linkage and secondary use of
health information data.
Recording of
Webinar here: EMIF
to EHDEN - Webinar (1 hour with questions)
Slides here: EMIF
to EHDEN - scaling up the big data ecosystem across Europe
Nigel Hughes
Scientific Director
Observational Health
Data Analytics/Epidemiology
Janssen Research and
Past Events
Associate Professor Nicole Pratt presents at the Digital Health CRC webinar